Friday 26 December 2008

What is a WASP?

Bismillah, alhamdulillah : In the name of God, with gratitude and praise for Him

The Prophet Muhammad (S) made jokes with his Companions, but was careful never to tell lies when doing so and did not make this his natural disposition. In emulation of this Sunnah or practice and hopefully without falling into extremism in this arena I thought I would compile the various moments of mirth I have observed from time to time.

Listening to a programme on the BBC exploring cities that encourage immigration it was looking at one of the most successful cities in the world which happen to be in Canada. One of the experts on the programme illustrated the multi-ethnicity of the city by saying that the percentage of the WASPs was relatively low compared to the USA. I noted with mirth what the acronym stood for: White Anglo Saxon Protestants.


1 comment:

  1. There are some more if you haven't heard them...
